Cherith International

Cherith International is incorporated as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in the State of Wisconsin, USA.  Its mission is to serve God by caring for the vulnerable and underprivileged, to encourage those who serve, and to develop sustainable and contributing communities.  Cherith helps people irrespective of their religion, ethnicity or gender.

Cherith International works in Sri Lanka through its local counterpart, the Association Cherith Asia.  In collaboration with the Dutch foundation Cherith Europe, Cherith International supports the work of Cherith Asia by raising funds, providing oversight and managerial support, organizing short-term Helping Hands teams, and communicating with donors.  Currently, we are exploring opportunities to serve in Myanmar.

harryandjennyHarry and Jenny van Burik founded Cherith International in 2006 in response to their calling to work among orphans and less privileged people, and to encourage those who serve.  Harry and Jenny have previously worked with Shelter For Life (SFL) from 1994 to 2006.  They pioneered the work of SFL in Tajikistan, Northern Afghanistan and Sri Lanka.  In 2001, they moved to SFL’s headquarters in the USA where Harry served as Vice President till 2006.

The purposes of Cherith International are:

  • CARING for orphans
  • SERVING those in need
  • PROVIDING children with opportunities for a brighter future
  • ENCOURAGING those who serve
  • HELPING Hands short-term volunteering teams
  • OFFERING architectural services to like-minded organizations